For those who have ever wondered how monstrous the benefits are generated by technology giants, a website shows the impressive figures that move companies like Apple, Twitter or Microsoft.
The site is called Battle of the Internet Giants and its operation is quite simple: it includes several pictures, one per company, in which accountants are shown with the income and profits generated by each company From the moment the user enters the page. So you can see how, for example, Facebook enters $ 249 (223 euros) per second, and about $ 15,000 (13,450 euros) per minute.
The champion by far is Apple, which generates 50% of the profits of the 16 companies reviewed, among which Netflix, LinkedIn, Yelp or Dropbox. At the bottom of the page are also the benefits of all of them: in just 10 minutes, more than 1.4 million dollars (1.25 million euros).